The four-day international film festival CIFFI2019 started off with great energy, zest and zeal. The guest of honour was Mr. Khalid Mohamed- author, journalist international and a screenwriter. The other eminent dignitaries present at the inaugural session were Ms. Ravneet Pawha, Ms. Saara Lamberg, eminent filmmaker from Australia, Mr. R K Arora, CEO, Swen Today,...
“Communication Is Where a Film Lives and Dies”: Director Zoe Lister-Jones
Communication is where a film lives and dies. It is essential for efficacy, for performance, and ultimately for translating a director’s vision to the screen. To me communication is less about the art of talking than it is about the art of listening. I hired an all-female crew on Band Aid, which was deliberate on...
“We Are Living through a Divisive Time”: Director Barbara Kopple
Obviously we are living through a very divisive time, and transgender issues are among the most controversial of what people call “the culture wars.” That was something I was aware of while making this movie, and its something we are aware of as we release it. That said, every film I make involves going as...
“Basically What You’re Asking for Is Faith”: Director Michelle Morgan
For me, the greatest communication challenge that I encountered while working on my film happened during the prep phase, where I was still scrambling to raise funds and cast my leads. This was my first feature and a lot of people just weren’t sure of me yet. And short of surgically implanting someone into my...